Pirates don't always have rum. But when they do, it tastes like heaven.
What's that saying, stolen water tastes sweet? Stolen rum is sweeter. You can chase it with dark nights and the creak of deck boards under the moonlight, the lilt of a siren's call and the songs that fish sing to each other under the waves.
Stolen rum is the beginning of adventure. Of x's that mark the spot, of "ahoy there!", of buried gold and treasure abounding. Bracelets and necklaces studded with too many jewels, too heavy to wear and too pretty to leave.
Stolen rum hints at bad decisions. Waking up the pirate on watch, just to see what he'll say. Hoping you can disarm him with one glance, wondering if he’ll sense the romance of a moonlit deck like you do. The shivering excitement of his coarse hands on your shoulders, wondering if he - or any other pirate - could love you more than the sea.
Stolen rum still tastes sweet when he leaves.
(Photo by Eva Bronzini, Pexels)
Hello, dear readers!
This story comes to you from the Junk Drawer, my collection of half-finished stories jotted down in fits of creativity that usually burned out or vanished and were never seen again.
I believe this one was inspired by one of my favorite authors, Erin Morganstern. After getting hooked on the dreamy descriptions and flowery language she uses in both The Night Circus and The Starless Sea, I looked her up to see what else she did. Lo and behold, she wrote a series of short short stories to be enjoyed by whoever was brave enough to find her.
I ate them up. I loved the way she wove stories out of nothing, and in a handful of words, managed to capture a feeling that may have otherwise been difficult to express. She wandered through worlds of whimsy and communicated them so clearly that I, too, wanted to follow that winding path and see what I could find.
Too soon, I ran out of stories. And inspired by her whimsy, I wrote the ditty above.
What authors inspire you, and what about them draws you to their tales?
Share away, dear readers! The floor is yours.
<3 Olivia
I'm finding myself more and more drawn to collections of short stories, especially when I'm knee-deep in my own writing when I barely have time to read more than one hour each day.