"do you prefer giving presents, or getting them?"

Giving, and I like to give gifts that are either food, some sort of consumable, or something the person truly loves - the joy from the person when you get it right is incomparable.

In the past I have gone all out with gifts and had people be annoyed at some of the things I've bought them (that they wanted!) or just non-plussed so now I aim for things they love or enjoy.

I find receiving gifts quite stressful, more so the more expensive. There's also the fact that everyone has everything so finding something that doesn't simply add clutter is far more difficult now than when I was a teenager.

I may be overthinking all of this gift stuff.

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It's so true! When you can match a good gift to a receiver, there's something about that magic that's addicting. I wish it was easier to make happen. Otherwise you get that "oh, thanks, you shouldn't have..." and really nobody wants to be part of that conversation.

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